5 things every artist must include on their website

5 things every artist must include on their website

1. A Portfolio, Durr!!

Why have a website if you’re not going to use the opportunity show off your art? The whole purpose of having a website for your art is to showcase your work and hopefully make sales.

Here’s some ideas to help:

1. Have a few of your new/best pieces displayed on your home page. Make it evident what it is that you’re selling.

2. You should then make a separate page that includes a collection of your works - show off your work, show them what you’re made of 💪🏽

3. Make sure your images are clear! Blurry, dark or pixelated images do not look professional and it’s just not a great selling point. Be sure to have bright, crisp images that will grab the attention of your audience. Also, upload more than one image for each artwork. Having a selection of shots from different angles and ranges will help to show your artwork in full. (TIP If your artwork requires a frame or you’d like to show your art hung up, download the app ArtRooms. It will display your art on the walls of multiple rooms of your choice. This is my go to app…love it ❤️)

4. Label your artwork with a title and give as much information as possible, such as; medium used, dimensions, year it was created and of course the price.


2. Your Artist’s Bio. Who are you?

An artist bio is usually found on the “About me” page. It’s a description of who the artist is and what their art is all about. Try to keep it simple and fun to read. Leave the long winded, boring, artsy jargon to a minimum! Include the basics like where you’re from, your style of art, what inspires/motivates you. From reading my fair share of bios, a lot of artists like to include a long list of achievements. If you’re like me and you don’t have a long list of art degrees because you’re self taught, it’s absolutely fine - It’s always seemed abit snooty and braggy to me anyway. People will buy your art for how amazing it is and not because you’ve done 20,000 exhibitions!


3. Email sign ups.

I’m not the best at this but I’m learning dammit! Having a large audience on Instagram and TikTok is awesome but what if those apps crash? You’d have no way of reaching your audience…unless you have email subscribers. Having email subscribers allows you to send emails and speak to your audience on a personal level. To collect email addresses  create something enticing that will make people subscribe to your mailing list. It could be a free download, early access, discount codes or the chance to win a prize. Get collecting!!


4. Reviews

Ask your customers for reviews to showcase on your website. Client reviews helps build trust with your potential customers! We’re all guilty of it, how many times have you gone to purchase something off Amazon but then checked the reviews before adding to cart. You want to make sure that the item you’re buying is quality and it’s the exact same for someone buying your art.


5. A Blog

NOW, let me tell youuuuu! This past month my website views have been going up and up and up and when I click on what it is that their viewing, it’s my blog…one in particular; How to create certificates of authenticity . 
I kind of slowed down with blogging but this has definitely made me realise that I need to continue - hence why I’m typing away now 😊

Now of course, I want people to view my art more than I do my blog but if I’m getting people to come onto my website that’s still a bonus because it’s a chance they might then browse the items that I have to offer. Blogging is a great way of boosting your SEO. Your blog is a space to share ideas, make announcements and show your audience the person behind the art. Flaunt that personality 😊 MAKE FRIENDS!


I could go on but considering the fact that this is my first blog in nearly a year, I’m getting a little tired of writing
😅 plus I’m hungry and my Mac and cheese is nearly finished cooking so that’s enough for now 🤪


I hope you’ve found some useful tips and whilst you’re here please have a browse at my art or even follow me on social media @Edensartgb


Have a great day ❤️

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