BBC NEWS black art

I had my first art exhibition

This blog is wayyyy overdue - I know! 😬 However, I'm finally getting around to telling you about my amazing group exhibition!

Before I get into how fantastic it was, let’s just comprehend what a big moment this was for myself and the many other underrepresented artists that got to take part.
Greenwood presents reached out to me to take part in their exhibition "HERE WE ARE" at the RBSA gallery. The exhibition was aimed at celebrating the diverse creative communities in and around Birmingham. It was an opportunity to shine a light on a range of emerging, new and established artists / photographers and it did just that! 

Green presents at the RBSA gallery. Celebrating underrepresented artists

Fun Fact: The RBSA gallery has been around since 1821

Do you know how incredible that is for little ol’ me to have my work hanging up in there? To have my work showcased in a place that does not typically celebrate my culture?

Not only did I get to exhibit 3 of my paintings but I also won the sponsors choice 🥳🥳🥳 Two artworks had to be selected for the sponsors choice reward and one of them was mine! TOTAL SHOCK!! I had forgotten they were even doing that so when they called my name you can imagine the surprise! I was just there for a keke and a good time but left with a smile larger than life! 😃

Black female artist UK mother daughter art

“A mothers love” caught the attention of many eyes and I’m so glad it’s getting the attention it deserves. Lord knows how stressed I was creating that piece - I had never painted a child before but now look - probably one of my best pieces to date and up on a gallery wall - winning rewards for it. 🥳

I don’t ever think I’ve received so many compliments in one day! It was a big eye opener for me that people really do value my art and It has definitely motivated me to continue to break barriers and make changes to this industry.

OH and I almost forgot to say...we got featured on BBC NEWS! Just fantastic!! Everything about this exhibition was superb! If you didn’t get the chance to go…sorry to break it to you but you really missed out 🤷🏽‍♀️ 

I didn’t manage to sell any paintings but the opportunity alone was enough for me. I had THE BEST time and cannot wait to do it again!!

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