Rising Star Of The Year 2023
God is good!
Nobody can tell me this year hasn’t been my year.
I must admit I probably haven’t produced as many paintings as I should have but moments like this kind of make up for that 🏆
You are looking at the 2023 Rising Star Of The Year! 🥳
This award was presented to me by Black Owned Birmingham. Black Owned Birmingham is the only black-centric awards show in Birmingham celebrating the Black community and Black-owned businesses, particularly grassroots companies. Their mission is to recognise and celebrate Black-owned businesses and entrepreneurs in the Birmingham region in the hopes of promoting diversity and inclusion in the business community.
With over 12,600 individuals submitted and over 190,000 votes. EdensArtGB won! I WON! Such an achievement!
I would type out a long post about how I feel but it’s been days since I won so I don’t think I’d be able to capture the true essence how I felt. However you can check out this post on my Instagram page where I wrote a little something the day after I won 😊
One thing that I do want to say (and is really important to my heart) is do the thing that makes you happy.
Sometimes you don’t know where to start so you put it off. Sometimes you think “there’s already somebody doing that” so you avoid it. Sometimes you think people are going to judge you or critique you so you push it to the side.
I’m here to say…stop doing that! If it brings you happiness, tap into it. Thinking about writing a book? Learning a new language? Starting your own business? Do it! You have one life to live, don’t spend it wondering what could’ve been. I started painting in 2020 and here I am 2023 winning an award that. Do I wish I had started sooner? Absolutely… but at least I started 🥳
Anyway, i’m currently in the cinemas watching paw patrol with the kiddies so I better get back to it. Have a great day and thank you for reading 💋
Eden xxx